Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 05 Mei 2014

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone

Read between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, aaah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah

I walk alone
I walk a...

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...
More aboutGreen Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

Contoh Kalimat Adjective Dengan Artinya

Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 29 September 2013

Kata Sifat Arti Kata Sifat Arti aback terkejut long panjang abandoned terlantar long-term jangka panjang abashed malu loose longgar aberrant berkelainan lopsided miring abhorrent mengerikan loud keras abiding kekal loutish jelek abject hina lovely indah ablaze terang benderang loving penuh kasih able sanggup low rendah abnormal abnormal lowly hina dina aboard di atas kapal lucky beruntung aboriginal asli ludicrous lucu abortive gagal lumpy kental abounding berlimpah lush subur abrasive kasar luxuriant lebat abrupt tiba-tiba lying bohong absent absen lyrical penuh perasaan absorbed terserap macabre mengerikan absorbing mengasyikkan macho macho abstract tidak berwujud maddening yg menjengkelkan absurd konyol madly mabuk abundant berlimpah-limpah magenta magenta abusive kasar magical gaib acceptable dapat diterima magnificent indah accessible dapat diakses majestic megah accidental kebetulan makeshift sementara accurate tepat male laki-laki acid asam malicious jahat acidic asam mammoth hebat acoustic akustik maniacal gila acrid tajam many banyak actually sebenarnya marked jelas ad hoc sementara massive besar-besaran adamant kukuh married beristri, bersuami adaptable mampu beradaptasi marvelous menakjubkan addicted kecanduan material berwujud adhesive lekat materialistic materialistis adjoining berdampingan mature dewasa adorable manis sekali mean berarti adventurous suka mengembara measly sangat sedikit afraid takut meaty penuh daging aggressive agresif medical medis agonizing merasa tersiksa meek penurut agreeable serasi mellow lembut ahead di depan melodic merdu ajar terbuka sedikit melted larut, menjadi cair alcoholic beralkohol merciful penyayang alert waspada mere belaka alike sama messy kacau alive hidup mighty kuat alleged terduga military militer alluring menarik milky seperti susu aloof jauh mindless tak ada artinya amazing menakjubkan miniature skala kecil ambiguous ambigu minor minor ambitious ambisius miscreant bajingan amuck amuk misty berkabut amused geli mixed campur amusing lucu moaning mengerang ancient kuno modern modern angry marah moldy jamuran animated bersemangat momentous sangat penting annoyed kesal motionless diam annoying menjengkelkan mountainous bergunung-gunung anxious cemas muddled kusut apathetic apatis mundane duniawi aromatic aromatik murky suram arrogant sombong mushy lembek ashamed malu mute bisu aspiring bercita-cita tinggi mysterious gaib assorted bermacam-macam naive naif astonishing mengherankan narrow sempit attractive menarik nasty mesum auspicious penuh harapan natural alamiah automatic otomatis naughty nakal available tersedia nauseating mual average rata-rata near dekat awake terjaga neat rapi aware sadar nebulous samar-samar awesome mengagumkan necessary perlu awful mengerikan needless tak perlu axiomatic aksiomatis needy miskin bad buruk neighborly ramah tamah barbarous biadab nervous gugup bashful malu new baru bawdy mesum next berikutnya beautiful indah nice menarik befitting cocok nifty bagus belligerent yg suka berperang nimble gesit beneficial bermanfaat nineteenth kesembilan belas bent bengkok nippy lincah berserk amuk noiseless tak bersuara best terbaik noisy berisik better lebih baik nonchalant acuh tak acuh bewildered limbung nondescript mencolok big besar nonstop nonstop billowy bergelombang normal normal bitter pahit nostalgic rindu bizarre aneh nosy yg ingin tahu black hitam noxious berbahaya black-and-white hitam di atas putih null nol bloody berdarah numberless yg tak dinomori blue biru numerous banyak sekali blue-eyed bermata biru nutritious bergizi blushing merah kemalu-maluan nutty pedas boiling mendidih oafish agak bodoh boorish kasar obedient taat bored bosan obeisant penuh hormat boring membosankan obese gendut bouncy goyang obnoxious buruk boundless tak terbatas obscene saru brainy cerdas obsequious patuh brash kurang ajar observant taat brave berani obsolete usang brawny berotot obtainable diperoleh breakable yg lekas pecah oceanic berkaitan dgn samudera breezy semilir odd ganjil brief singkat offbeat tidak berdenyut bright terang old tua bright terang old-fashioned kuno broad luas omniscient mahatahu broken rusak one satu brown coklat onerous berat bumpy bergelombang open terbuka burly gagah perkasa opposite seberang bustling repot optimal optimal busy sibuk orange warna oranye cagey cerdik ordinary biasa calculating dengan sengaja organic organik callous kapalan ossified kaku calm menenangkan outgoing ramah capable mampu outrageous memalukan capricious plin-plan outstanding terkemuka careful hati-hati oval lonjong careless ceroboh overconfident terlalu percaya diri caring peduli overjoyed gembira sekali cautious berhati-hati overrated berlebihan ceaseless tak henti-hentinya overt terang-terangan certain tertentu overweight kelebihan berat badan changeable luntur painful menyakitkan charming menawan painstaking telaten cheap murah pale pucat cheerful riang paltry remeh chemical kimiawi panicky panik chief utama panoramic panorama childlike kekanak-kanakan parallel paralel chilly dingin parched kering chivalrous sangat sopan parsimonious pelit chubby gemuk past lalu chunky chunky pastoral pastoral clammy basah pathetic sedih classy mentereng peaceful tenang clean bersih penitent menyesali dosa clear jelas perfect sempurna clever pintar periodic berkala cloistered tertutup permissible diizinkan cloudy berawan perpetual abadi closed tertutup petite kecil mungil clumsy kikuk phobic fobia cluttered berantakan physical bersifat fisik coherent koheren picayune ramah tamah cold dingin pink warna merah muda colorful warna-warni piquant pedas manis colossal kolosal placid tenang combative agresif plain polos comfortable nyaman plastic plastik common umum plausible masuk akal complete lengkap pleasant nyaman complex kompleks plucky berani concerned prihatin pointless tak berarti condemned terhukum poised siap confused bingung polite sopan conscious sadar political bersifat politik cool dingin poor miskin cooperative dapat bekerja sama possessive posesif coordinated terkoordinasikan possible mungkin courageous berani powerful berkuasa cowardly kecil hati precious berharga crabby pemarah premium terbaik, lebih baik craven penakut present hadir crazy gila pretty cukup creepy menyeramkan previous sebelumnya crooked bengkok pricey mahal crowded ramai prickly berduri cruel kejam private pribadi cuddly berdekapan probable mungkin cultured beradab productive produktif cumbersome bagong profuse sebesar-besarnya curious ingin tahu protective bersifat melindungi curly keriting proud bangga curved melengkung psychotic gila curvy berliku-liku public publik cute lucu puffy bengkak cynical sinis puny lemah daffy setengah gila purple ungu daily sehari-hari purring mendengkur damaged rusak pushy ambisius damaging menyebabkan kerugian puzzled bingung damp lembab puzzling ruwet dangerous berbahaya quaint pelik dapper necis quarrelsome cerewet dark gelap questionable dapat dipertanyakan dashing gagah quick cepat dazzling yg mempesonakan quickest tercepat dead mati quiet tenang deadpan wajah tanpa emosi quirky unik deafening memekakkan telinga quixotic pemurah dear sayang quizzical aneh debonair ramah tamah rabid fanatik decisive krusial racial rasial decorous sopan ragged compang-camping deep mendalam rainy hujan deeply dalam rambunctious ribut defeated terkalahkan rampant merata defective cacat rapid cepat defiant bersikap membangkang rare langka delicate halus raspy serak delicious lezat ratable setara, rata-rata delightful menyenangkan ready siap demonic jahat real nyata delirious mengigau rebellious durhaka dependent bergantung receptive reseptif depressed murung recondite terpendam deranged gila red berwarna merah descriptive deskriptif redundant mubazir deserted sepi reflective termenung detailed terperinci regular biasa determined bertekad relieved lega devilish jahat remarkable luar biasa didactic bersifat mendidik reminiscent mengingatkan different berbeda repulsive menjijikkan difficult sulit resolute tegas diligent rajin resonant resonan direful dahsyat responsible bertanggung jawab dirty kotor rhetorical retoris disagreeable marah-marah rich kaya disastrous bencana right benar, kanan discreet bijaksana righteous adil disgusted jijik rightful sah disgusting menjijikkan rigid kaku disillusioned kecewa ripe matang dispensable yg tdk diperlukan ritzy mewah distinct berbeda roasted panggang disturbed terganggu robust kuat divergent berbeda romantic romantis dizzy pusing roomy lapang domineering bersifat mendominasi rotten busuk doubtful ragu-ragu rough kasar drab menjemukan round bulat draconian bengis royal berkaitan dengan raja dramatic dramatis ruddy memerah dreary suram rude kasar drunk mabuk rural pedesaan dry kering rustic sederhana dull membosankan ruthless kejam dusty berdebu sable warna hitam dynamic dinamis sad sedih dysfunctional disfungsional safe aman eager asyik salty asin early awal same sama earsplitting memekakkan telinga sassy lancang earthy bersahaja satisfying memuaskan easy mudah savory gurih eatable yg dpt dimakan scandalous memalukan economic ekonomis scarce langka educated berpendidikan scared takut efficacious manjur scary mengerikan efficient efisien scattered tersebar eight kedelapan scientific ilmiah elastic elastis scintillating gemilang elated gembira scrawny kurus kering elderly tua screeching melengking electric listrik second kedua elegant anggun second-hand bekas elfin seperti peri secret rahasia elite berkelas secretive diam-diam embarrassed malu sedate tenang eminent terkenal seemly pantas empty kosong selective selektif enchanted terpesona selfish egois enchanting mempesona separate terpisah encouraging mendorong serious serius endurable yg dpt diterima shaggy kesat energetic energik shaky goyah enormous besar sekali shallow dangkal entertaining lucu sharp tajam enthusiastic antusias shiny berkilau envious iri shivering menggigil equable yg hampir tdk berubah shocking mengejutkan equal sama short pendek erect tegak shrill melengking erratic tak menentu shut tutup ethereal sangat halus shy malu evanescent cepat berlalu dr ingatan sick sakit evasive bersifat mengelakkan silent diam even bahkan silky sedap excellent unggul silly bodoh excited gembira simple sederhana exciting menarik simplistic bersahaja exclusive eksklusif sincere tulus exotic eksotik sixth keenam expensive mahal skillful trampil extra-large ekstra besar skinny kurus extra-small ekstra-kecil sleepy sepi exuberant riang slim langsing exultant gembira slimy berlendir fabulous menakjubkan slippery licin faded luntur sloppy ceroboh faint lemah slow lambat fair adil small kecil faithful setia smart pintar fallacious keliru smelly berbau FALSE salah smiling tersenyum familiar akrab smooth halus famous terkenal sneaky licik fanatical fanatik snobbish tinggi hati fancy indah snotty kotor fantastic fantastis soft lembut far jauh soggy basah far-flung luas sekali solid padat fascinated tertarik somber muram fast cepat sophisticated mutakhir fat lemak sordid mesum faulty salah sore sakit fearful takut sour asam fearless tak kenal takut sparkling berkilau feeble lemah special khusus feigned pura-pura spectacular spektakuler female perempuan spicy pedas fertile subur spiffy keren festive bergembira spiky runcing few beberapa spiritual rohani fierce sengit spiteful pendendam filthy kotor splendid hebat fine halus spooky dahsyat finicky rewel spotless bersih first pertama spotted tutul five lima spotty rintik fixed tetap spurious palsu flagrant menyolok squalid jorok flaky serpihan square kolot, ketinggalan zaman flashy menyolok squealing menjerit, memekik flat datar squeamish mudah tersinggung flawless sempurna staking mengintai flimsy tipis stale basi flippant kurang ajar standing tetap flowery muluk statuesque agung fluffy halus steadfast tabah foamy berbusa steady mantap foolish bodoh steep curam forgetful pelupa sticky lengket fortunate beruntung stiff kaku fourfold empat kali lipat stimulating merangsang frail lemah stingy pelit fragile rapuh stormy ribut frantic bingung straight lurus free gratis strange aneh freezing beku striped berbelang-belang frequent sering strong kuat fresh segar stupendous menakjubkan fretful rewel stupid bodoh friendly ramah sturdy kuat frightened takut subdued takluk frightening menakutkan subsequent berikut full penuh substantial besar fumbling meraba-raba successful sukses functional fungsional succinct singkat funny lucu sudden tiba-tiba furry berbulu sulky murung furtive diam-diam super super future masa depan superb hebat futuristic futuristik superficial dangkal fuzzy kabur supreme tertinggi gabby ceriwis swanky megah gainful produktif sweet manis gamy gagah sweltering panas terik gaping ternganga swift cepat garrulous cerewet symptomatic gejala gaudy terlalu menyolok synonymous satu arti general umum taboo tabu gentle lemah lembut tacit diam-diam giant raksasa tacky lekat giddy pusing talented berbakat gifted berbakat tall tinggi gigantic raksasa tame jinak glamorous cantik tan warna cokelat muda gleaming bercahaya tangible berwujud glib fasih tangy tajam rasanya glistening berkilau tart kecut, sepat glorious mulia tasteful gurih glossy berkilau tasteless hambar godly saleh tasty lezat good baik tawdry menyolok goofy dungu tearful berkesan gorgeous cantik tedious membosankan graceful anggun teeny pemudi grandiose muluk teeny-tiny kecil mungil grateful bersyukur telling jitu gratis gratis temporary sementara gray abu-abu ten sepuluh greasy berminyak tender lembut great besar tense tegang greedy serakah tenuous lemah green hijau terrible mengerikan grey abu-abu terrific hebat grieving kecil hati tested diuji groovy manis testy mudah tersinggung grotesque fantastis thankful berterimakasih grouchy mudah marah therapeutic bersifat terapi grubby kotor thick tebal gruesome mengerikan thin tipis grumpy pemarah thinkable masuk akal guarded berhati-hati third ketiga guiltless tanpa dosa thirsty haus gullible mudah tertipu thoughtful bijaksana gusty berangin thoughtless lalai, sembrono habitual biasa threatening bersifat ancaman half setengah thundering gemuruh hallowed suci tidy rapi halting terputus-putus tight ketat handsome tampan tightfisted kikir handsomely mahal tiny mungil handy berguna tired lelah hanging menggantung tiresome melelahkan hapless malang toothsome enak happy senang torpid tumpul hard keras tough sulit hard-to-find sulit menemukan toasty hangat harmonious harmonis tranquil tenang harsh keras trashy tak bermutu hateful penuh benci tremendous dahsyat heady gegabah tricky rumit healthy sehat trite basi heartbreaking menyayat hati troubled susah heavenly surgawi truculent garang heavy berat TRUE benar hellish kejam truthful jujur helpful bermanfaat twofaced bermuka dua helpless berdaya typical khas hesitant ragu-ragu ubiquitous di mana-mana hideous mengerikan ugliest terjelek high tinggi ugly jelek highfalutin muluk ultra amat sangat high-pitched nyaring unable mampu hilarious ria unaccountable tidak dapat dihitung hissing desis unadvised tidak dapat dinasehati historical historis unarmed tak bersenjata holistic holistik unbecoming tdk pantas hollow berongga unbiased berisi homeless tuna wisma uncovered terbongkar homely bersahaja understood dipahami honorable terhormat undesirable tidak diinginkan horrible mengerikan unequal tdk sama hospitable ramah unequaled tiada bandingnya hot panas uneven ganjil huge besar unhealthy kurang sehat humdrum membosankan uninterested tdk tertarik humorous lucu unique unik hungry lapar unkempt jorok, kumal hurried terburu-buru unknown tidak diketahui hurt sakit unnatural tidak wajar hushed hening unruly tegar husky serak unsightly menyakitkan mata hypnotic hipnotis unsuitable cocok hysterical histeris untidy berantakan icky menjijikkan unused tidak terpakai icy dingin unusual luar biasa idiotic bodoh unwieldy berat ignorant bodoh unwritten tidak tertulis ill sakit upbeat pukulan yg tdk keras illegal tidak resmi uppity sombong ill-fated bernasib buruk upset bingung ill-informed kurang informasi uptight tegang illustrious termasyhur used bekas imaginary imajiner useful berguna immense besar sekali useless tak berguna imminent dekat utter mutlak impartial berimbang uttermost maksimal imperfect tidak sempurna vacuous hampa impolite kasar vagabond gelandangan important penting vague samar-samar imported impor valuable berharga impossible mustahil various beragam incandescent pijar vast luas incompetent konyol vengeful berdendam inconclusive meyakinkan venomous berbisa industrious rajin verdant hijau incredible luar biasa versed berpengalaman inexpensive murah victorious jaya infamous hina vigorous kuat innate asli violent keras innocent murni violet violet, merah lembayung inquisitive melit vivacious lincah insidious berbahaya voiceless tak bersuara instinctive naluriah volatile gampang menyala-nyala intelligent cerdas voracious rakus interesting menarik vulgar vulgar internal intern wacky setengah gila invincible tak terkalahkan waggish yg suka bersenda gurau irate marah wakeful sulit tidur irritating gatal wanting ingin itchy gelisah warlike suka berperang jaded letih warm hangat jagged bergerigi wary waspada jazzy ramai wasteful boros jealous cemburu watery berair jittery gelisah weak lemah jobless menganggur wealthy kaya jolly riang weary lelah joyous bergembira well-groomed rapi judicious bijaksana well-made dibuat dengan baik juicy berair well-off mampu jumbled bercampur well-to-do orang kaya jumpy gelisah wet basah juvenile remaja whimsical aneh kaput rusak, retak whispering bisikan keen tajam white putih kind baik whole seluruh kindhearted baik hati wholesale besar-besaran kindly ramah wicked jahat knotty rumit wide lebar knowing berpengetahuan wide-eyed dgn mata terbelalak knowledgeable berpengetahuan luas wily cerdik, licik known dikenal wild liar labored tidak wajar willing rela lackadaisical lesu windy berangin lacking kurang wiry liat lame timpang wise bijaksana lamentable kasihan wistful sedih languid lesu witty jenaka large besar woebegone sedih last terakhir womanly kewanita-wanitaan late terlambat wonderful hebat laughable lucu wooden kayu lavish mewah woozy pusing karena obat bius lazy malas workable bisa diterapkan lean kurus worried cemas learned terpelajar worthless tak berguna left kiri wrathful murka legal legal wretched malang lethal menyebabkan kematian wrong salah level tingkat wry masam lewd cabul yellow kuning light cahaya yielding penurut like seperti young muda likeable yg menyenangkan youthful belia limping rekat yummy lezat literate terpelajar zany amat lucu little sedikit zealous tekun lively lincah zestful dengan semangat living hidup zippy bergairah lonely kesepian zonked mabuk berat
More aboutContoh Kalimat Adjective Dengan Artinya

Avenged sevenfold-Gunslinger

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

Avenged Sevenfold-Gunslinger

Yeah, you've been alone
I've been gone for far too long
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

Never let it show
The pain I've grown to know
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
'Cause with all these things we do
It doesn't matter when I'm coming home to you

Letters keep me warm
Helped me through the storm
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

I've always been true
I've waited so long just to come hold you
I'm making it through
It's been far too long, we've proven our
Love over time's so strong, in all that we do
The stars in the night, they lend me their light
To bring me closer to heaven with you

(Bring me closer)

But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
'Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

And with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you
More aboutAvenged sevenfold-Gunslinger

Avenged Sefenfold-Nightmare

Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

(Now your nightmare comes to life)
Dragged ya down below,
Down to the Devils show,
To be his guest forever,
(Peace of mind is less than never)!
Hate to twist your mind,
More aboutAvenged Sefenfold-Nightmare

Avenged Sevenfold-M.I.A

Diposting oleh Unknown

Staring at the carnage, praying that the sun will never rise. 
Living another day in disguise. 
These feelings cant be right, 
lend me your courage to stand up and fight, on tonight. 

Stand up and fight. 

Now fighting rages on and on, to challenge me you must be strong. 
I'll walk your land but don't be long, 
two million soldiers cant be wrong. 

Its no fun but I've been here before. 
I'm far from home and I'm fighting your war. 
(Not the way I pictured this, I wanted better things) 
Some are scared others killing for fun, 
I shot a mother in front of her son. 
(Change this from my consciousness and please erase my dreams) 

Fight for honor, fight for your life. 
Pray to god that our side is right. 
You know we won but still we lose, 
until I make it home to you. 
I see your mother still in tears we grew up 
so fast where did those years go. 
Memories wont let you cry unless I don't return tonight. 

So many soldiers on the other side, 
I take their live so they can't take mine. 
(Scared to make it out alive now murders all I know.) 
Nobody tells me all the reasons were here, 
I am a weapon so there's nothing to fear. 
(Another day another life but nothing real to show for.) 

Fight for honor, fight for your life. 
Pray to god that our side is right. 
You know we won but still we lose, 
until I make it home to you. 
I see your mother still in tears we grew up 
so fast where did those years go. 
Memories wont let you cry unless I don't return tonight. 

Staring at the carnage, praying that the sun will never rise. 
Living another day in disguise. 
These feelings cant be right, 
lend me your courage to stand up and fight. 

Watching the death toll rise wondering how I'm alive. 
Strangers blood on my hands, showed all I can. 
There were no sunny nights watching your brothers all die 
To destroy all their plans with no thought of me. 
(No thought of me) 
No thought of me. 


We'll walk the city lonely, memories that are not passing by. 
A murderer walks your streets tonight. 
Forgive me for my crimes. 
Don't forget that I was so young, but so scared. 
In the name of God and Country. 

More aboutAvenged Sevenfold-M.I.A